Virtual Tags for iOS

  Overcloud the crowd!

Version 1.8 delivered

After a two weeks’ wait version 1.8 has been finally approved and is now available for the free download by the users of the application. The new version provides a number of upgrades and bug fixes including:

  • Fixing of a calculation bug that used to set clouds at a different altitudes out of view.
  • Fixing of an issue that hindered the manual insertion of the geotagging information.
  • The clouds now move more smoothly.
  • The application now regularly displays the tags also when many of them are loaded or when the performance of the device is limited.
  • It is now possible to abort a login or account modification without the application to crash.
  • French localization.

Release 1.7 submitted

Version 1.7 of the Virtual Tags application has been submitted to Apple for approval. Its main features are the support for the german language and the taking into account of altitude information when placing and displaying tags. Moreover some modifications have been made to the integration between scoring and reviewing in order not to punish any longer users delaying their rating.